2007 AR5000RE

2007 AR5000 RE

This site is dedicated to the great guitars made by Ibanez in its “Golden Era”

It started about 1974/75 when Hoshino Gakki – the company behind the Ibanez brand – emphasized on creating their own designs like the Artist (2611/12/13), Professional (2671) and Musician series until mid/end of the 80s when they moved production away from the Fujigen Gakki plant and focused more on cost optimization.
But the site is not limited to to the models of this area.


We’re delighted to present you a great new feature on Ibanez-Vintage.net:

The Ibanez & Fujigen Gakki Serial Archive

It’s based on the long time work of ICW Member Scruggser77 (many, many thanks!) and up to now contains more than 6500 serial numbers of guitars made in the Fujigen Gakki Factory from the mid 70s to late 80s until Hoshino/Ibanez changed their serial system and also moved to other factories like Terada and others.
In addition to the serials, the database also contains information about the guitar model, the finish, the brand (also Greco, Roland, Aria Pro II, Antoria, CSL and others made at Fujigen included).
With today’s update, registered users are able to add their own serials to the database.
Guitars/Serials entered, first have to be reviewed by an administrator, before they will added to main database.

Visit The Ibanez & Fujigen Gakki Serial Archive

Only available to logged in users

Become a member!

2617 Artist, a very early one

2617 Artist, a very early one

Everybody owning a vintage Ibanez guitar, also one of the copy models or the sometimes bizzare creations of the late sixties is invited to contribute to this site with details and descriptions of his guitar and pictures… pictures-… pictures…!

All you have to do is

Sign up here!

Sign up is free and you’ll be able to create guitar posts, upload pictures of your axes and tell us the story behind.

Start your exploration of the fascinating Ibanez Vintage world right here by clicking the button below


2680 AV Bob Weir Model - 1978

2680 AV Bob Weir Model – 1978

What is a Vintage guitar?
There are many discussions about the question: “What is a “Vintage” guitar?”
The definition used here is quite simple:
Every Ibanez (also Greco, Tama, Cimar and related brands) built prior to 1990. And even if built later, the “Custom Legends” and Reissue models (RE) like the 2670RE, AR5000RE are considered to be “Vintage”.




On our own behalf

As you may have seen, we’re having ads placed on our site. We have been working a lot to have a clean and well designed layout on this site. The ads may be distracting and disturbing.
But unfortunately passion for Ibanez Vintage Guitars doesn’t pay bills and so, with one eye crying we decided to try to fund some $$ by placing ads on our site to keep it running.
We hope you’ll understand.

Thank you.

A note to all ICW members
2671 Scruggs

2671 Scruggs

This site is NOT intended to be a competition to Ibanez Collectors World (ICW), a great web site managed by JohnS since many years. IMHO it is one of the most important – if not THE OFFICIAL site for all Ibanez collectors.

It rather is intended to be a more structured and systematic resource – kind of a dictionary – for everybody interested in Vintage Ibanez Guitars – more than a forum can be.
John and me have been talking about setting up this site starting in summer of 2018 and he contributed many usefull hints.
And he’s also really happy that somebody is continuing to give an appropriate platform to those great japanese guitars made in the past millenium.

Many, many thanks also to ICW member Leo, who contributed many ideas and lots of his knowledge about Ibanez guitars as well as he already added many of his guitars to this site.
I really appreciate that.

Thank you!